Thank you, Graeme & Maggie …. they really do seem to keep the spiders at bay, and the consequent incidence of cobwebs much reduced. We will have to see if this remains true in the summer months.
Wood Glue:
It isn’t perfect, but it makes a big difference. And yes, Trudi, it is a less-than-inspiring topic …. unless you’re looking for a reliable solution to a silly problem! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Now stored away in Kati’s garage until our return in July. Only manged one more ride, and I’ll tell you about that later. However, I will be using Google earth to plan future sorties.
Am so happy that we did it….but now it is even more difficult to prise Graham from the house. Have enjoyed nagging nasturtium seedlings into life. Hopefully they will still be alive when we get home.
Foie Gras:
My favourite food any time and I didn’t eat any this trip. Will remedy this summer. Sadly, the Hotel Victor Hugo on rue Victor Hugo, where I had wonderful sauteed foie gras last summer, has now closed. Must find new source.
Our favourite oyster seller wasn’t at any of the 4 markets that we attended while were were at Les Terraces over Easter. With the stories that we have read in recent months about the oyster beds having been badly affected by sickness we are concerned that he may have been out out of business. Hopefully, he was just on holiday, but we will learn more upon our return.
Hate it. Am swiftly reduced to (self-indulgent, spoilt) tears. We are resolved to find some way of being able to spend more of our time in Sainte-Foy without upsetting our clients in our BVI business. Graham has, astonishingly, said that he’s even ready to spend the winter here, but he’s safe in the knowledge that we’re a (university) degree (for Mo) away from that reality. However, not long until we return.