Tag Archives: Wine

Its cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!

Well, happy February.  I’m writing this blog post from a slightly steamy Road Town.  However, in France, as with the majority of western Europe over the last ten days, it has been a very different story, hence the title of this post.  Perhaps you’re wondering “How cold is cold?” given that I have a propensity to complain if the mercury drops below 70°F, which is about 21°C for those of you who are accustomed to more modern measurements!  Try -17°C (with the wind-chill factored in).  That’s cold in anyone’s books, I’m sure.  Cold enough, perhaps, for the (cannon) balls to topple from the brass monkey in which they were stored.

It has been enough for us to be more than a little concerned, particularly as we had guests who arrived at Les Terraces on Wednesday night.  Inevitably, they experienced some delays in their departure from Gatwick, and didn’t reach Sainte-Foy-La-Grande until much later than anticipated.  It has been so cold that no-one has been going out at night, so the restaurants have all been closing early, which meant that we were scrambling to find them somewhere to eat (not easy on a freezing February night after 9, let me tell you).  However, we did (praise the Lord).

My Thursday began at 05:10, with a phone call to let me know that a pipe in the house had frozen and the electrics were on the blink.  Fortunately, I’m quick to wake up and got right on the case with Trudi, giving her the number of the tradesmen we use for those problems.  Our concern, apart from the well-being of our guests, was that as so many people had been affected with frozen pipes (Robin & Trudi included) that we might not be able to get the plumber out.  As it turns out, we were lucky and M. Pasquon had someone to us before lunch-time and sorted everything out for us.

Two days later the temperatures haven’t improved much.  The forecast low for tonight is -11°C, and the happy souls in the weather centre are forecasting more snow at the beginning on the week.  Lets hope they are wrong about that.  Fingers crossed.

As I don’t have any of my own photos of the snow I’ve taken the liberty of borrowing a couple from Trudi:

Sunday's snowfall of about 5cm
Trudi has a great eye for beauty, don't you think?

I have to say that I don’t fancy being a stall-holder at tomorrow’s market.  I think I’d be inclined to say “Humbug” at 5AM, roll over and go back to sleep, wouldn’t you?  I’ll bet that there are lots of people clustered around the rotisserie vans.  Without doubt they will be the warmest place in the market.

Wintry weather does have a few benefits – at this time of year it is possible to order “vin chaud” in our local bar.  There is nothing quite like a glass of aromatic mulled wine to warm the cockles of your heart.  I could even brave the arctic weather for one, I think.